The saying goes, if it don't kill ya, it makes you stronger.
It's like when a gal, tells you that timeless classic, if you love something set it free , if it returns to you its yours, if not, it never was. That is about the time you know your going to get dumped. Today was such a day. Landlord at shop sezz, he needs more money, fact is I have no more to give him each month, so bottom line, the shop is KO'd. But we still go toew. Its just going to take longer to get to the point of grabbing the gold ring, but hey that's life so you swallow our rather I swallow my pride, and get on with it.
I have seen more than one toewing service start and even run, without a service shop, before. As far as a back up bizzness, both AyreWolf Aviation ( see the last HazzardAyre Blog) as well as the radio station will keep our heads above water. In time we'll find what we need.
So we pull the Garage thing off and just go Cooter's A1 Toewing and take it from there.
In time I'll find another shop, and/or move where there is one. Both southeast Idaho as well as eastern Idaho is still open territory, likewise Wendover Utah , so settle in the show ain't over.