Monday, July 18, 2011

Internet is going to kill us

The Internet is surely going to kill us. Not in the litteral sense , but it don't matter how you get online, and no matter how much security lock downs, Firewalls, and such, short of having a LIVE human guard at the gateway, Internet security is lax, and in most cases inefficient.

I have said B4, and I'll say it again, the best way to control your blog and online content, is to post it on YOUR OWN WEB SITE, that YOU designed and most importantly, YOU CONTROL !!!! Other wise , what looks like a innocent site, could have hidden malware and other threats hiding. Most are located where the youth or under 35 go online. After all hackers etc have no real use for us old farts, most importantly could care less about a site for a company, and/or club, with its core focused and created through a TV show that is nearly 31 years old.

That all said, we really need to have a company as well as a co-oped web site with KOA. Its like anything else reputation and such is enhanced if you have a operational web site, that has both pep and zip. However that said, we need to keep being able to do financial transactions off our website. Sure doing credit card etc payments online would be a boost to our bottom line, but doing credit card trans, attracts hackers so I just as soon not travel down that side street of the Cyber-Highway.

Finally and I need to make this clear and I'll refine it further Monday eve, Cooter's A1 Toewing & Garage, could not happen without AyreWolf Aviation. Seems here lately AyreWolf Avi, has been kicked to the curb. AyreWolf Aviation is the fuel that powers what we do here at Cooter's A1 Toewing & Garage, both going toewing as well as in the shop. So in all things both trade marks, banners, logos etc, the AyreWolf Aviation brand will be shown.

Until L8R
