Some days ya'll cain't get it into second gear even if you double clutch it.
Take fer instance, setting up a new blog here. Set it up okay, but still from the perch of my Windows writer program , cain't post nothin since this blog is a closed blog. Okay fine, as always I do it the hard way until I discover a work around.
Getting on here. Pitched the idea of getting Erin involved in posing with Lexi for some promo stuff with Cooter's A1. She said no of course, since in the front of her mind she's groovy with being pals, but not modeling for us any more. In a way I can kinda see her point. After all through all that shook down in Gooding, its a once bit three times shy, but I would have thought that even if she didn't want to do it, she might have steered me to one of the gals we interviewed in Gooding that lived over here, or maybe someone she knew that might have wanted to make a few, albeit damn few but a few extra bucks. Oh well.
So that means beating the grass to find someone to do the pitching on our TV, and Newspaper ads.
Now I need to make this perfectly clear. I'm fully committed on doing Cooter's A1 Toewing and all, still renaming everything until we get the ammo to do so, might be premature. To do Cooters justice requires a General or two, in the form of a General Lee as well as our General Jackson. Some of the props from the show wouldn't be bad either. That would give the name some punch. But we'll see what leaves fall from the trees. So for a few light-miles, I'm going to launch Cooter's Garage, but leave Dixie Towing intact until we get the entire operation together.
Now then, last night after doing an axle swap on an IH Scout at the shop, went to Smiths, got my grub okay but forgot the dish soap, but on my way home. Stopped to refuel LiL Lexi, only to find Kenny from Charley's old crew at the Maverick here. So made the small talk, found out that his old lady gave him the boot, he's homeless, and in the teachings of Kahless it sezz if your friend needs shelter offer it to him, so I am at the Wolf's Den in Burley. What's good about this, is Kenny is a shadetree Electrician which we need right now, as well as someone I can harvest some inside intell on A1 in Twin, as Kenny has been there even before Ricky was.
Finally , I'm down for a few days here. Or at least until I get some relief, from the pain in my left knee. Two years ago while in Gooding got my right knee fixed with some plastic filler in Boise, many of you know that, and thank goodness the USMC paid for that, but now my left knee is throbbing like ya'll cain't believe, So looking into getting some treatment for it and getting better.
The bottom line here is this; after many miles of heartache, headache, and plain bullshit, we as a company have arrived right where we should have stayed many moons ago, both when I came up from Utah with Tammy, as well as years and years ago, when I was with Monkee , and had Robin in our bullpen.
Really, for once we really are, Better Off.
L8R Ya'll